Families who are enjoying the Advent calendar and want to dive a bit deeper into the Christmas story will love our downloadable activity pack. It offers something for everyone, with simple ideas for imaginative play, a craft and a chance to act out part of the story. It’s even got links to Christmas music and toddler-friendly videos! The pack can be accessed using the QR code on the Advent calendar, and each week’s activities link to the calendar’s story.
Church-run toddler groups can make the most of their greatest opportunity in the year to introduce guests to Jesus by using these three sessions in the run up to Christmas.
Simple outlines of the five ‘Come Along Christmas’ characters, perfect for little hands to colour, as well as the popular draw yourself into the stable scene. Use these as a toddler group craft or take-home activity.
Our full colour, customisable graphics pack includes pictures of the Come Along Christmas characters, plus a stable scene. Use these however you like, with our permission.
Just like the Advent calendar, these simple daily readings and activities are designed for under 5’s. The Bible verses go with each day’s sticker and tell a bit more of the story. We have quoted from the International Children’s Bible but you can use any version you have at home if you prefer.
Read the verse(s) for each day to your child and then put them into everyday language that they can understand. Use the activities to help your child to grasp a little more of what is happening in each part of the story.