Join us in Luke’s gospel as we explore the story of Christmas brick by brick. Our interactive all-age service plan allows the whole church and the local community to join in and discover the surprise in the sky as the angels announce “good news” to all people.
A talk that encourages children to come alongside 3 key Christmas characters and explore how the birth of Jesus offers ordinary people an extraordinary encounter with the God who welcomes them.
A no-rehearse Nativity play with plenty of laughs focusing on the story of Joseph. This has been written with a guest all-age service in mind where you want plenty of action but not a long talk.
Our nativity script is for an all age service that wants to place the children at the front, telling us the story.
Christmas is an attack on the senses. It is those familiar smells, sights and sounds that bring us rushing back to so many memories. That first Christmas, we hear the ear drum bursting choir of angels, we are blinded by the army of angels, we smell the stable as we see the screaming baby, we hear the shepherds as they run through the streets of Bethlehem telling anyone who listen that their Saviour has been born. Nothing at that first Christmas was muted. Everything was turned up to 11.