Three great Christian family music albums have come out recently. All of them would make great presents this Christmas. Read on for our thoughts on each album, and links to where you can pick them up, PLUS our recent podcasts featuring the artists.

1. Awesome Cutlery: ‘All together now’
LISTEN to our podcast with Gareth and Dan (who are Awesome Cutlery) talking about the new Album
This is Gareth and Dan’s second album. If you enjoyed their first album, then it is a no-brainer. Get this. All together now is a step up in every way. Bigger sound. Deeper lyrics. More rock!
They have worked hard to give families songs (and cutlery-based sketches) that will allow children to explore the deepest doctrines: The church. Christ’s return. Sin. Union with Christ.
Our favourite track? ‘Who I am’. It’s fantastic that they’re helping our children grapple with issues of identity as this is both a huge cultural battleground and a rock of certainty for Christian children to stand on. (Look out for Faith in Kids resources on Identity – available in Spring 2020).
Who is this great for? Families who want to have big conversations, want to laugh at the misadventures of our ace super heroes and love listening to a big sound.

2. DumbRocks: ‘Your Word’
LISTEN to our podcast with Jeremy Smith, the man behind DumbRocks
DumbRocks has landed with big ambitions. Professional musicians, a big sound that comes from the highest production values and years of road testing songs with families. They have jumped straight over the steps most music projects have to go through: developing their sound, improving their production values and ramping up on talented musicians.
They have a distinctive stated goal which is to be for the whole church family. These songs have been written to reach from the youngest to the oldest. Listen to it this Christmas to see if the Grandparents are as thrilled as the children.
Our favourite track? ‘If God made the sun’. As we learn about God, it’s not just facts to fill our head but the rock we build our lives on.
Who is this great for? Those with a musical ear who want the highest production values and lyrics that can be pondered by those of every age.

3. Michael Tinker: ‘Mission to Dendros’
LISTEN to our podcasts with Michael: Faith in Kids Podcast and Faith in Parents podcast.
Michael Tinker has been building a reputation through his multiple albums, shows and books. There is no doubt that with this album, he has surpassed them all. Continuing his writing partnership with Tim Chester, and sketches written by our own Jam Cary he has smashed this one out of the park.
Join him and the crew of the Starship Juniper (my favourite is Igor in charge of the ship’s security) as they play the most Biblically varied mixtape the world has ever heard.
Our favourite track? ‘But God’. We all need a slow anthem to help us think about the strong love God offers when life hurts
Who is this great for? This stands more in the singer-songwriter tradition, with some of the best songs featuring Michael taking it solo, but he also knows how to do the uplifting rocking tracks with a full band.
Have a wonderful musical family Christmas!