Download our planning guide and lesson plan template here.
Please use these in conjunction with the JJ intro document and video files. Termly plan themes: Animals, Colours, Emotions, Opposites, Transport, Weather, God made me, Jesus’ miracles, Thank you God. Here you will also find an Easter talk for your Jiver group as well as a 2 week Christmas p
The download contains 3 documents that lay the foundations of responsibilities of key players in the children’s team. A job description for the children’s worker, a roles and responsibilities document detailing expectations of team leaders, leaders and young leaders as well as a list
What is Church for? What is Church like? A series of 7 short talks explaining that the Church is for: listening to God and talking to Him, for encouraging one another, that it is a body, a bride, and branches of a vine, and that Church is forever.
The angel reminded the women at the empty tomb that Jesus had said that he would be crucified and then 3 days later, rise again. He had kept his promise
This talk prompts the children to realise that if Jesus had kept this most important promise, then all of his others will certainly be kep