At Faith in Kids, we regularly hear from parents and children’s leaders who want to speak simply and clearly to children about identity. We’re delighted that Ed’s new book, Raising Confident Kids in a Confusing World, is now available to help them in those conversations.
The parents in your church who are well-connected and keen may already have heard of the book. Some might even be reading it. But what about everyone else – those who don’t have time to go hunting for parenting resources? Those who don’t usually read Christian books, or any books? How can you, as a children’s leader in their church, help them to grow in confidence in discussing identity with their children?
Here’s a few suggestions:
- Introduce them to the book. What’s the best way of engaging the parents in your church? Could you give a brief notice during a service? Send a short email or WhatsApp to everyone? However you choose to do it, here’s 3 things to keep in mind:
- Be excited! If you’re convinced this book will help them, let your enthusiasm show. Or is there a parent who has already read it and found it so helpful that they’re keen to recommend it – if so, get them to do it.
- Be relevant. The biggest barrier to people reading is time, but everyone makes time for things that are important to them. What in this book is going to most help the parents you know? Do they need help in answering their children’s questions about gender and sexuality? Do they want their kids to grow up really sure that God loves them? Do they want to know how to raise the issue of porn with their kids? Engage them with the specific ways that this book could help them.
- Be persistent. Don’t expect massive take-up if you only mention it once. Assume that some people will miss the notice, or forget about it by the time they get home. Keep talking about it over a number of weeks, to give people time to catch up.
- Provide opportunities for people to share what they’re learning. Reading the book on their own will be useful. Reading it and then discussing it with others will be even more useful! How could you encourage parents to meet up to discuss one or more chapters, using the questions at the end of each chapter?
- Help people to go further on specific issues. Every family will have its own particular needs and questions: perhaps their child has a physical illness or a mental health issue, or thinks they might be gay or trans. There are ‘Faith in Kids for Parents’ podcast episodes on these and many other issues. Encourage them to listen to one with a friend, discuss it and pray together.
The Big Day Out is our regular training event for those who lead children’s ministry in their church. In our May BDO we focussed on partnering with parents as we talk to children about the topic of identity. These suggestions are taken from that session. You can watch the full recording here.