What a thrill to have Colin Buchanan and the magnificent Scotty the Roady, pop into Faith in Kids HQ!
You can see the tension written all over their faces, as they emotionally prepare to face a sell-out crowd of 400 at Dundonald Church!
How incredible that the assembled hoard could sing along to every song. These songs may have been composed on the other side of the world, but Christ-centred, Bible-focused, foot-tappingly great tunes deserve an audience in every kitchen, bedroom and car around the world. There is nothing so wonderful, as seeing so many children singing the Lord’s praises with fixed grins on their faces.
Colin noticed that we had a surprisingly high number of besuited Dads who had clearly dashed out of work to be there. Those Dads understand the value of shared, godly memories in their children’s loves.
Over years of partnership with Colin, we have an ongoing conversation together about the value of hitting “pause” on the music, just to slow down for a moment and jam in a 5 minute Bible story. In this concert, Colin gave us the Wise and Foolish builders. I suspect Colin underestimates how closely children listen to him when he teaches the Bible with words, rather than with just songs. This slower moment plays all Sunday School Teachers onside; if Colin sees the need to explain, proclaim and apply, then so must the rest of us (who can’t sing, don’t throw loo rolls or wrestle inflatables!)