In this seasonal series you will find a Christmas buffet of resource treats. The four flexible sessions have been written so that you can fill your plate with what you and your church family need this Christmas.

Each le

A series of Sunday School lessons based on Psalms.

In the Psalms, our children can hear every cry of their hearts echoed, raw and unvarnished. They can
hear their own emotions expressed. They can see their feelings of anxiety, loneliness, doubt or despair painted in full colour.

A church-run evangelistic outreach club for children aged 8-11.

At the centre of the club is a short, clear, evangelistic Bible talk. The activities are big, fun and high energy. Despite its name, there is no real danger involved, but it feels exciting!



We offer the script of our Easter bake along for those churches who want to run their own instead of watching ours.  With a few rehearsals, you could run this as a live (Zoom) event, baking, speaking and interacting with the families participating.

You will find here an array of resources to celebrate Easter, including a Family Escape room, a fun bake along show,  an All age script, a School assembly, a conversation starter booklet, a neighborhood trail and an Easter video.

WEEKEND OF WONDER -This resource aims to encourage families to experience and enjoy the good news of Easter – at home, outdoors and with others – and give them confidence that they can open the Bible together at home.

The activities and conversation starters are designed as a t

AN EASTER TRAIL: HOMES OF HOPE – As the first buds and flowers are bursting through, this is the moment for an Easter trail in your community. Get families walking around their local streets, following the Easter story – the only source of certain hope.

ZOOM EASTER SCRIPT: THERE IS HOPE – This script is a series of short scenes designed to be easily adapted for your setting. You could use adults, children or family groups. Make it your own, and have fun! Zoom backgrounds for each scene are included.

Meals with Jesus is a series of 9 lessons in Luke’s Gospel that explore who Jesus chose to sit and eat with. He could have dined with the VIPs of his day, but instead he often ate with the sinners, the outcasts, the broken and the needy. Through these Bible stories, children will discover m

God with us…he is never socially distanced, even when we have to be

So let’s step out of our church buildings and celebrate the birth of Christ in ways we would never have considered before!