A talk that explains that Easter eggs symbolize new life, and that Jesus came to give us new life. Use it in a toddler group or as part of an Easter family service.
12 toddler stories to teach how God saved his people and that Jesus performed miracles to show that he cares and goes onto show that God sent Jesus to save us.
These stories were written to provide a term of weekly slots for a Mums and Toddler Outreach group for the autumn term, ending wit
This talk explains the origin of christingle as well as what each of its five parts represent. Download pack contains carol service talk, detailed carol service planner, risk assessment and activity briefing.
The candle that we can’t blow out reminds us that like it or not, Jesus simply won’t go away. For some that’s wonderful news, but others… ? What you will do with this King who simply won’t go away?
The Bible is the sword of the spirit that we need to fight against the problems we face in our lives. The series is based on the Foundation verse pack from fighterverses.com. Psalm 119:11 shows that we want to learn Bible verses, so they will be hidden inside our hearts for that moment we need th